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The Bungee Jumping FAQ

This page is still under development! More will be coming soon, but here is a taster for what is to come. If you would like to submit content for any of the titles below, please just email them to webmaster@bungeezone.com

How Old do I have to be to Bungee Jump

This depends greatly on the club you jump in and also on the country you jump in - It's always best to call a club first and check what age limits they have. Generally though if you are over 18 years of age you can jump. If you are under 18 years of age you will probably near a parent or guardian's signature on a release form.

If you are under 18 years of age it is likely you may have special requirements equipment wise - you may need a smaller harness and also special cords to deal with a smaller weight (most clubs can deal with jumpers in the 150-250lb (approx. 75-125Kg) weight range). It's always best to call ahead to the club you plan to jump with.

Other FAQs

Check out the FAQ at Sky High Bungee too!