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Places to Jump Around The World

Clickable Map of the world
Click on a country to find out about sites in that area

We are constantly working to keep this list current with up-to-date information. If any of this information is wrong or you have more information, message us below, and we will correct it. Similarly, if you see a non-functional club in the list, let us know, and we will remove it.

Add a Bungee Club

If you have helpful information about new clubs or bungee in general, please message us on Facebook.

Please include the following information, if possible:
Company: The company name
Address: Their address
Location: Location of the Jump Site
Telephone: Phone number
Email: An email address
Website:A link to get to their page
Type: Type of jump (crane/bridge etc...)
Cost: Prices (in local currency)
Comments: Comments on the club
Date:When I got the information (and from where if applicable)